Happy New Year! I'm back with brand new samples and challenges from Gecko Galz.
The first of each month, Gecko Galz posts a newsletter chock full of exciting news. Since there are monthly contests using Gecko Galz images, the winners are listed along with the new challenges. There's a free digital collage sheet just for the asking. Subscribing to the newsletter is free. You can request to be on the mailing list by looking for the subscription link on the right hand side of the blog page. You will want to get the newsletter to learn about different promotions.
There also is a Gecko Galz blog where you can find the monthly contests and the free images to use.
The monthly customer challenge for January is Gatsby Girls
If you'd like even more challenges using Gecko Galz digital images, be sure to check out our Facebook Papercrafting Challenge Group.
And finally, for more inspiration look for samples on the Gecko Galz Pinterest page.
I'll be back on January 15 with more samples.