Sunday, May 15, 2016

Alice ATCs from Swap Received

It's been a happy mail week here.  This is just one of three parcels that arrived.

ATCs arrived from the All Things Alice ATC swap.  This was hosted by Marion at her blog HERE.

The three I made and sent to her:

The three I got from her in return:

A big shout out of thanks to  (from left to right) Alice from, Sabine from, and Nanette from, and to our host Marion from .   Each ATC  has wonderful details.  I have thanked each of them on their blogs.

I have an affinity for all things Alice, and will keep these little treasures in my Alice collection.

If you'd like to see all the ATCs made for this swap and are on Pinterest, here is a link to the swap board: 2016 Swap

1 comment:

Brenda Brown said...

Oh wow Helene the three you sent and the three you received are all utterly delightful, what a fabulous addition to your Alice collection xxx

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